Venture HS

  • March 1
    AUD: VHS Musical
    March 1
    AUD: VHS Musical
  • March 3
    B Day
    March 3
    HS Classroom 103: HS Book Club
    March 3
    HS Gym: K8 Archery Practice
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Venture K8

  • February 27-March 1
    VHS Musical Performance
  • March 3
    VHS Musical Performance
  • March 5
    SLPCs - Regular Day
  • March 6
    SLPCs - No Classes
  • March 7
    No School - PD
View Calendar

Small is beautiful!

We are large enough to offer a well-rounded school experience but small enough for your child to shine! Teachers and administrators will get to know your child well and will help them grow and thrive.  


Why Venture?

Positive Atmosphere, Strong Culture, Mutual Trust

Our close-knit community of students and teachers creates an atmosphere of well cared-for students and high levels of mutual trust between students, staff, and parents. 



Your student will discover their interests and refine their talents.

Students acquire powerful skills, gain confidence, and understand not just what there is to learn, but why it is worth learning. We work to instill grit, teamwork, and enthusiasm. 


High School

Sized "just right," with a foundation that propels students into their futures.

We stand in stark contrast to mega high schools. We offer small class sizes, deep learning as opposed to surface learning, and innovative classes, projects, and programs that foster student success! 

Our Vision

Our mission at Venture Academy is to:

  • Inspire the rising generation to reach the heights of their potential,
  • Ignite their curiosity to venture into challenging new learning experiences, and through service,
  • Empower  them to be leaders who are committed to family and community.

Then they can achieve their dreams and shape their world!

2008K8 Founded
2010 HS Founded

Work of excellence is transformational. Once a student sees that he or she is capable of excellence, that student is never quite the same.

There is a new self-image, a new notion of possibility. There is an appetite for excellence.

Ron Berger, An Ethic of Excellence